Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A few items for the week

Good morning and welcome back!


At this point, you have more than likely already received your student’s report card.  Per my last email sent out last week, you will note how grades are calculated.  Cava uses specific guidelines from the Middle School Grading Scale.  I had sent this document a few times semester 1 so that everyone would be aware of what the expectations were. For your convenience, I have attached it again. 


A note about the PE Logs – As teachers we have deadlines we have to follow in order for report cards to be turned in and mailed out on time.  However, in order to give families that much more time (even thought it was passed the deadlines), I waited to print out the reports the day before they were mailed.  What was printed and viewed was what was entered on report cards. 


As you all know, if you are a family of Cava, you receive multiple emails from various people of Cava.  For semester 2, you’ll want to ensure you are checking all emails regularly for updates and such. 


Additionally, you are all aware that there is a new assignment sheet for semester 2 and teachers have the 10 days of the start of the semester to get those out. I have been and will continue to be working on these this week.  Thank you for your patience. 


As kmailed out to new families, thank you for getting started on your Scantron, Study Island, and the Online Learning tutorials.


Again, I am working on the assignment sheets but in the meantime, please ensure your student (unless an ISMA has not been signed or approved) is working on their online schools and completing their daily work (both online and offline).  Please also ensure attendance is being taken DAILY.  Cava runs reports weekly and therefore, it is important to stay up to date on attendance.  Study Island is also another MUST.  As you can see by the grading scale, Study Island plays a HUGE part in the Middle School report card.  One could have perfect progress but not have completed 75% or 50% of blue ribbons in a particular subject which then would result in a grade lower.


Thank you for all of you who signed your ISMA.  I apologize for those who had to sign it more than once but these documents are crucial and dates usually play into a factor.  Please note if the ISMA is not signed, your child will be locked out of their courses.  If you have not signed your ISMA, please look in your inbox this morning as I sent out a few more a short time ago. 


Thank you for your patience.  We should be all set to go come this Friday. 

Christie Louis

6-8 Teacher

2360 Shasta Way Unit A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
ph 209-872-6367





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