Good afternoon Cava Families,
I wanted to let you all know that I am going to go ahead and open up ALL blue ribbons for the year so that they may be accessible to your student. The reason behind this is to help out your student a bit more in a feeling of success and the ability to obtain their blue ribbons a bit easier.
Here’s the opportunity….
Students will proceed with their daily lessons (both online and offline) in Math and Language (for 8th graders Science and History as well). A daily lesson may look something like this
If your student completed the lesson in math on the Pythagorean Theorem, then they could go ahead and log into Study Island and complete the blue ribbon that matches it. The students might then have an easier time passing the blue ribbons if they’ve just had a lesson on it. Below is a blue ribbon tracker that you would use (in your grade level of course) to match up the concepts. You’ll see that this is a ribbon that was set to be completed on 3/4/2013, however it if matches the lesson your student has done, this may make it easier. Please note that not all assignments have a blue ribbon.
That being said, the blue ribbon tracker still needs to be followed to ensure that the blue ribbons that will be on your new assignment sheet are completed by the end of the semester.
If you choose to try and match up your ribbons, you would use the following steps in order to access all of them.
First, you’ll choose, CA programs
Then you will choose your student’s grade level. For the example below, this is for a 6th grade student.
Once you have done that, you will click on the particular subject area you wish. For both 6th and 7th grade, you will only work on MATH and LANGUAGE. However, 8th graders will work on MATH, LANGUAGE, HISTORY, and SCIENCE.
Once you’ve chosen your subject area, you’ll see all of the blue ribbons pop up, including those you’ve already earned ribbons for.
This is JUST an option as many have stated that it would be a lot more beneficial if students could complete blue ribbons (if offered) that matched the lesson for that particular day.
PLEASE NOTE: Your student is STILL REQUIRED to ensure that they follow their blue ribbon tracker in order to meet the Study Island Requirements on the Middle School Grading Scale (attached). I have attached the blue ribbon trackers for grades 6-8 to ensure you have them to follow each week.
I hope this helps a bit for those of you that wanted to take advantage of it. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Christie Louis 6-8 Teacher 2360 Shasta Way Unit A |