Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Recall last email - Class Connect Recordings (all subjects/all grades)

Good afternoon Families,


Please refer to the updated attachments in PDF for the “Class Connect Recordings” sent prior.


From: Christie Louis [mailto:clouis@caliva.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:07 PM
Subject: Class Connect Recordings (all subjects/all grades)



Good afternoon families!


I wanted to take a moment to offer out a couple of attachments that I feel you will find extremely useful.  As many of you know, families are able to start with Cava at various times of the school year which in turn results in many students having different starting points in terms of the different subject areas.  That being said, the attachments (mainly the 2012-13 Middle School Class Connect Schedule) will allow you and your student to access many of the recordings that have taken place in the different subject areas since the beginning of the year (up to February so far). 


As many families are noticing, the live Class Connects that your new student is attending may or may not be on the current lesson that is placed on their daily/weekly plan.  By providing you the recording links, your student can view their daily/weekly schedule and then locate that lesson’s recording and view it that way.  While the recording is not live, it still will allow students who are at a specific point in the curriculum to access the exact lesson they need. 


I have provided some snapshots below to give you a better idea of how to access these.


Here is an example of a 7th grade weekly plan. This plan shows Unit 6/Lesson 7 (6.7) coming up tomorrow (Wed).



You would then look at the recording schedule under 7th Grade math – 6.7 Monomials.



You will see a list of recordings based on their Unit/Lesson.



After it loads (give it time), you will see the recording start.



I hope this helps.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

Christie Louis

6-8 Teacher

2360 Shasta Way Unit A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
ph 209-872-6367





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