Thursday, May 30, 2013

checking in and finalizing

Good morning Cava Families!


As of today, I am in Dublin and no longer in Modesto, preparing for my move out of state.  I have received all samples that were sent as of last week.  Thank you for getting those to me.  I am meeting with admin tomorrow to turn in all samples that I have.  Please note that if I did not receive samples from either quarter 3 or 4, grades will be given accordingly.  Additionally, I will be printing out ALL PE logs for both quarter 3 and 4 today again.  This is all turned into admin tomorrow.  As I wrap this all up, I will be updating you on your child’s progress, attendance, etc.  At this point, please ensure your child is still working on their online school daily.  Cava expects the kiddos to work up until June 11 which is their last day.  Our goal at this point is for students to be up to 80% at least by the end of the year.  For those that started with Cava later, you too may be able to get to 80% considering all of the compacting that took place. 


  I wanted to send out a HUGE thank you to those who have had your children take the Scantron promptly.  This is something else Cava requires as a post assessment for the year.  For those that have not taken this yet, this needs to get done no later than TODAY.  Remember as mentioned in previous emails, the students are only taking READING and MATH…NOTHING else.  Please pay close attention to this as you don’t want to drain your kiddo out unnecessarily. 


In regards to Study Island, please continue having them work on their blue ribbons until they’ve reached at least 75% which is an A for that portion of the report card….50% for a B.  I have attached the blue ribbon tracker again for convenience. If your student is not able to obtain a blue ribbon in an area due to the yellow triangle they  are receiving (resulting in difficulties of taking the blue ribbon), please let me know so that I can delete them and they can try again.   Also, if you have not kmailed me or emailed me to inform me that the additional assignments have been completed, please do so. 


In regards to 8th grade graduation, please refer to the flyer again that will be held in Manteca on June 7th at 11:30.  Hope to see you all there.  Maybe we can get our first and last picture together! J


I just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing.  You’ve all done a fabulous job this year and know we can do it for just another week or so.  We’re in the home stretch…this is what I keep telling myself! ;) 


Again as always, if you need anything, please just contact me.  Thanks.






Christie Louis

6-8 Teacher

2360 Shasta Way Unit A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
ph 209-872-6367



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