Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Assignment Sheet format

Good morning Cava Families!


I am continuing to work on Semester 2 assignment sheets and have been kmailing them out.  Some of you however, are unable to open the attachments.  Today I will be sending it again in a different format.  Thank you for your patience and again I will be following up with another email to explain the new assignment sheets.  At this point, please just ensure your child is working on their online plan as well as their offline assignments DAILY…this is crucial. 


Yesterday I started a recording as promised on the ins and outs of the Online Schools, however, there was an issue in blackboard and therefore, I will be re-recording today.  This link will be sent out to you this evening. 


Finally, if you have just enrolled to Cava, please ensure your student gets started immediately with their OLS.  First, your student must complete all of the Online Learning School tutorials that show up on their daily plan.  The whole schedule of courses will not show up unless this is done first.  Additionally, if you are a new enrollee, please have your student take the Math Unit assessments, starting with the end of Unit 1 assessment, and testing each unit assessment until your child can no longer pass with an 80% or better.  At this point, you will contact me and I will make the changes in their schedule.  Thank you for those of you who have already done this.


One last note about the ISMA, if you have not signed it or need to resign it due to a date issue, please do that ASAP. If you are not seeing the ISMA, please look in your junk mail as it will come from “California Virutal Academies”.  At this point, all ISMAs have been sent out to families!  When you receive it PLEASE DATE IT 1/23. 

Thank you.


Christie Louis

6-8 Teacher

2360 Shasta Way Unit A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
ph 209-872-6367



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