Tuesday, October 23, 2012

PE Log How To


Dear CAVA Families:


I will be printing all PE Logs at the end of each quarter to include in my work records submitted to the District Office.  If you are new, to update your PE Log for your child log on to www.cavaparent.org.  Click on Physical Education,  PE log, add new.   


1.  Log into www.cavaparent.org

2.  Select Physical Education > Logs

3.  Select Quarter One

4.  Select Add New

5.  Select the 2 week block you would like to enter minutes for. 

6.  Select the activity you would like to enter.  You can also click on Next at the bottom for more activities.

7.  Select the amount of time you would like to enter for that activity for the 2 week period.  Hint:  If you enter 3.5 hours, that will cover the full 200 minutes for the 2 week block.  This is especially good if your student does the same thing each day (ex. rides their bike for 20 minutes).

8.  Select Add.  At the top of the page you will see the total minutes entered for the 2 week block.  Remember, you need to reach 200 minutes



Here are a few screen shot directions to guide you in this task. Please let me know if you need further assistanceJ




Go to www.cavaparent.org

Click on Physical Education – Logs



Select Quarter Two (this next time)

*If you have not yet signed the PE Agreement, you will see the link in blue…just like on this screen shot. Please click the “PE Agreement” link and sign the agreementJ




Click “Add New” to enter PE activities and minutes




Click “Select” for the 2 week period that you would like to enter activities/minutes. Below the date, you will see the minimum minutes that should be entered for that 2 week period.



Click on an activity and then use the drop down menu to enter the minutes spent on that activity – click “Add”


Please let me know if you have any questionsJ

Thank you,




Christie Louis

6-8 Teacher

2360 Shasta Way Unit A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
ph 209-872-6367




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