Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Please Schedule your availability for Power Conferences & Q2 Work Samples

Good afternoon Cava,


Thank you to those who have emailed me days and times you are available to meet for our power conference and Quarter 2 work sample submission. I have attached the updated schedule of days/times I will be in various areas.  I had to add new days/times as there weren’t any responses for meeting this week from the Modesto, Escalon, Riverbank, Turlock, and Ceres students.  Please let me know when you are available to meet.  When I hear back from you, I will enter you into your requested time slot (if available). 


Our meetings are required and therefore feedback would be much appreciated.  J


I have either called, kmailed, or emailed everyone on my roster in regards to the work samples turned in for Quarter 1.  If there were any concerns or pieces missing, you were notified of this.  Additionally, those samples that were complete were noted as well. 


For those who have missing pieces (information was kmailed/emailed/messaged), you will be required to bring those to me at our in-person meeting.  In order for your student to receive full credit in all of the areas, this needs to be done.  Last quarter you were provided a checklist to use to help ensure all pieces were labeled correctly and included. Thank you to those who included this in your Quarter 1 samples.  For those samples that did not have a complete heading, it was easy to fix this using the checklist.   In addition, emails had went out reminding students/learning coaches to include the “additional required assignments” that were listed on the assignment sheet.  I have taken snapshots below to remind you what documents to be utilizing. 




Below are the requirements that are expected to be included in your work samples.



I had mentioned that you could send me your work samples NOW, as you do not have to wait until the end of the quarter (Jan 17th).  Since I have decided to set up in-person meetings with you all, I find it will be much more beneficial if you bring your samples to our meeting.  This way we can go over it together to ensure all items are complete. 


****Last quarter had a little more “wiggle room” in that we do not fill out paperwork until quarter 2 (END OF SEMESTER 1).  However, this time it is CRUCIAL that COMPLETE work samples be turned in on time, and better yet…EARLY. 


****Please, please, please read through the checklist carefully.  Below is a list of common situations that occurred Quarter 1 samples (also kmailed out):


·         Incomplete PE logs – please look to ensure your minimum minutes are met.

·         No name, date, unit/lesson heading

·         Work was done in Learning Coach’s writing – ONLY STUDENT WRITING IS ACCEPTED

·         Missing samples from various subject areas

·         Missing Learning Coach’s grade

·         Language Arts sample – did not have the subsection listed (GUM, Vocab, Composition)

·         Missing Composition Writing Piece (please refer to your assignment sheet for what is expected).


I have also listed what is due in regards to the “Additional Required Assignments”.  Although the due date says, December 10th for some assignments, you can bring them along with you when we meet in person.  If you are not going to be available during the listed times, you will then be required to send all of the assignments/samples.


I hope that you find this email to be helpful as it is very important to have read it in its entirety.  Please also view our classroom blog for MUCH MORE information.  ALL EMAILS ARE STORED AT THIS SITE J.





Christie Louis

6-8 Teacher

2360 Shasta Way Unit A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
ph 209-872-6367





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